LTHS freshman spreads Christmas cheer

Written by Kathryn AddanteSeitz and Anna Weidemann

Christmas is the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth, held on the 25th of December. Each year many companies advertise their Christmas cheer and, of course, their products nationwide on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and billboards. Remarkably, this worldwide holiday has turned into “Tis the season to break the bank” or “Tis the season to empty the wallet.” Many people forget the genuine meaning of Christmas.

Freshman Jenna Cotter, Freshman student at Lockport Township High School, has made it her mission to remind people the meaning of Christmas. Jenna’s objective is to make everyone understand the real meaning of Christmas along with getting everyone in the jolly spirit.

Jenna has begun this pursuit by making daily countdown cards and passing out candles, candy canes, and gift bags to other LTHS members to get everyone jollied up. She has also played festive holiday music in every class and hallways to spread the cheer. Everyday she walks the halls with a big smile on her face giving verbal reminders of the holiday season.

When children are asked about the real meaning of Christmas, 60% will say something about presents. Jenna finds that upsetting and wants all ages to be aware of the real meaning of the holiday. She believes the season is all about giving and putting a smile on someone’s face.

Jenna’s personal goal is to put up as many Christmas trees as she can wherever she can. Her seasonal goal is to put everyone in the right mind for the season and to understand the genuine meaning of Christmas.

Jenna has affected multiple people with her spirit and has made their lives better. Hopefully, we will continue to see her cheer as the season goes on.