LTHS hosts annual dodgeball tournament
Team Brad Sandwiches wins the tournament!
February 27, 2017
Jump! Dive! Throw! Duck!
On Wednesday, February 15th, LTHS held their 5th annual dodgeball tournament in honor of TWIRP week. At 6 o’clock that evening, participants and spectators made their way down to the field house filled with excitement for the night’s event. Seven teams were chosen to partake in the tournament but only one team would win the prize to receive free TWIRP tickets for each member.
On the three courts, the matches between randomly chosen teams began. When a team beats another, it was able to advance higher into the bracket, thus increasing their chances of winning the championship; however, if a team lost two games they would be disqualified from the tournament.
The rules were as follows:
– If a contender is hit by an opponent’s ball, he/she is out.
– If a ball that is thrown is caught by the opposing side, a member who is sitting out gets to come back into play and the person who threw that ball is out.
– The first team to get all the other team’s members out wins the round.
Two staff members were stationed at each court making sure the rules were obeyed and to make decisions on tough calls when needed. After an hour and half of dodging and throwing, it had finally come down to the last two teams: the Brad Sandwiches versus the Meat Men.
A rigorous match between the two proceeded, neither of the teams going easy on one another. At the end of the second round it was the entirety of the Brad Sandwiches against one member of the Meat Men. With a single throw, the Brad Sandwiches claimed their victory along with their free TWIRP tickets.
The dodgeball tournament was an overall success with all students and staff that participated. Next year’s will definitely be looked forward to by everyone as a fun and exciting annual event.