Challenges regarding student parking permits
Each student who drives and parks at school must obtain a parking permit that looks like this. It must be displayed on their car window.
October 2, 2017
As students get older, riding the bus to school isn’t the ideal way of transportation. Senior and junior students at LTHS have the opportunity to drive and park on school property. In order to park at the LTHS student parking lot, students need a parking permit. Getting a parking permit requires a valid driver’s license with a fee of $100.
During the summer, seniors were given the opportunity to purchase a parking permit at Welcome Back day. After the seniors have been given enough time to purchase a parking permit, it is then determined how many parking spots are left for the juniors.
Juniors obtain their parking permits through a random lottery drawing of their names in the dean’s office. The lottery system usually starts in late August. This year only 30 spots were left for juniors.
With this privilege comes a few challenges students and teachers face everyday. Madalin Gizewski and Marisa Morgan, both seniors at LTHS, drive to school each day.
“Challenges that I face with being able to park at the school is getting out of the parking lot. It’s a bit of a hassle on a daily basis,” Madalin says.
Another challenge that has been recognized is students parking without a permit. “When this happens, students who purchased a pass have a more difficult time in finding parking if at all. Those without a parking permit receive disciplinary consequences,” Mr. Jason Ozbolt, a dean at east campus, says.
This challenge has been recognized and may have a solution in the future. Mr. John Greenan, the vice principal of east campus, states, “A possible solution to help this challenge would be to add more parking, and this could be discussed in the future.”
“I do enjoy the privilege of driving to school because this way my mom can get to her job on time, and she doesn’t have to worry about taking me or my sister to school anymore,” Marisa stated.
Driving to school is a privilege at LTHS. There are different solutions to the parking being discussed. Whether it is adding more parking spots or permitting seniors and juniors to drive, LTHS is trying to make parking at school a more pleasant experience.