Scream Helplessly at the Sky Day

Written by Adriana Watson, Editorial Writer

If you’re one of those people that has managed to remain blissfully unaware of the current social justice warrior happenings, you may have been equally unaware of the newest shenanigan: Scream Helplessly at the Sky Day.

Before you make assumptions, I did not make that title up. Yes, this is a legitimate, planned event.

Scream Helplessly at the Sky Day is an event supposedly occurring on November 8th in commemoration of the election of our ever-so-popular president, Mr. Donald J. Trump.

The events include anti-Trump protesters, walking outside, gathering in public locations, and screaming, helplessly, at the sky. This event will clearly have a massive impact on our government system, which as we all know, takes into account the magnitude of helpless screaming and translates it into government action.

As you may suspect from my apparent sarcasm, I find this entire event to be ridiculous. My dissatisfaction with Scream Helplessly at the Sky Day has nothing to do with the fact that I am an avid Trump supporter, but rather everything to do with one simple fact: it’s not, in any way, effective.

Protesters got lazy, on both sides of politics. Instead of arranging legitimate protests or proposals, they are choosing screaming as their form of activism.

America is an incredible country for many reasons, but one of those reasons is the fact that it encourages debate. I do not dream of an all Republican America. Instead I dream of an America where people who oppose my opinions choose to sit down and have a level-headed debate with me.

So I suppose my message is this: If you disagree with someone, please, speak up. But speak up in a way that will make a real impact.

Speak up in a way that makes people WANT to listen to you. After all, according to Margaret Heffernan, “For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.”