Spring Craft: How to Repot a Flower


Written by Emily Maier, A & E Editor

As springtime approaches, you might want to start decorating your house with flowers. Hopefully, you choose to fill your house with plants because it has been proven to help with your mood, fatigue and boost overall productivity.

– Houseplant
– Planter (with a draining hole)
– Fresh potting mix
– Water
Repotting Your Plant
1. The first thing you will need to do is take the plant out of the original container. Make sure to do it gently so none of the roots or stems break off.
2. Then you can remove most of the old potting mix from the roots.
3. In the next step, you will need to fill your planter with a layer of potting soil. Pack it down so there are no air bubbles.
4. Check to see your planter has a draining hole or else you will have to layer with rocks to help the water collect away from the roots.
5. The last thing you will need to do is put your plant in the pot and add more potting soil all around the plant so there is just enough.

In order to keep your plant alive, it is crucial to have the right size planter, correct potting soil, get enough sunlight, and receive enough water. Since all plants are different, they need different amounts of resources. Make sure to do your research on specific plants and you should be successful!