What’s Wrong With Pills? Nothing.

Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-and-white-medication-pills-3683041/

Written by Zoey Foss, A & E editor

Although just about every human being on the planet has had to take medicine at some point in their lives, there’s a certain stigma to really needing it. Sure, it’s fine to take penicillin for a week when you’ve got strep throat, but people tend to do a double take at the notion of taking a pill every day. It makes sense to balk at it: after all, it means admitting that the human body isn’t totally self sufficient. Maybe, it scares some people to think that one day, they won’t be able to live without a little fifty milligram tablet with breakfast. Apprehension is natural – but so is needing to take medicine. It’s a hallmark of civilization and advancement for a reason. Without medical treatment, humanity wouldn’t have survived the countless plagues and diseases that have swept through nations. PTSD would have severely cut down on our population if there was no treatment plan.

As recent social movements for abortion have stated, it’s your body and your choice. Everyone’s needs are completely different, and it’s pointless to compare your brain chemistry to someone with wildly different genes. For example, a person with depression will require antidepressants to function in day to day life. Somebody who already has the right amount of serotonin and norepinephrine won’t need these boosters because they’re already where they’re meant to be. There isn’t a problem with relying on antidepressants, just like there isn’t a problem with kids who use an extra stool to reach the sink. It’s absurd to ask these children to do what’s physically impossible (just get taller!). Why would we ask a depressed person to live without their accommodations?

Similarly, a great many disabled and chronically ill people require painkillers so they can live without incapacitating pain. A young girl with endometriosis, a disorder characterized by extreme uterus cramps, should never be denied ibuprofen just because she needs it often. The medicine is a necessary tool for her to get through each day. It isn’t damaging her or creating addiction; it’s like a hard of hearing person using a hearing aid. Yet, there are still critics for those who need pills for hidden disorders. 

Recent research has indicated that SSRIs, a specific type of antidepressant, actually rebuild the nerve cells in your brain. They allow for nerve branching and increase neurotransmitters, fancy psychology talk for bettering the functioning of the brain. Think of braces correcting your teeth. Beside everyday boosts, these pills can jumpstart the healing process and benefit users immensely. 

The world has a bad habit of ignoring invisible symptoms. Between claiming the patient is overreacting and telling them they’re too dependent, a lot of disabilities and illnesses get overlooked. Too often do people get refused the medication they need because they need it “too much.” With all the research and technology we have now, there’s no reason to continue claiming that needing pills means you’re weak.