Highschool sucks. Everyone knows it and no one wants to admit it, no matter how true it is. But the worst of the worst is the dreaded junior year. The infamous 11th grade is characterized by beginning to seriously look at colleges, taking every standardized test under the sun, and shoving information into whatever nook and cranny in your brain that isn’t taken up by stress. What 16-17 year old doesn’t want to think about the rest of their life while still having a curfew?
The simple solution to this demoralizing 9 months seems obvious: just skip it! Surely 10 years of pure education are enough to get them through life. Think of our history; high school as a whole wasn’t even mandated in the US until 1918. Until 1955 less half of the US student body dropped out before graduation. Yes, they may not have been the brightest but they still led the same happy productive lives we do with a sprinkle of naivete (and lead).
To spot a junior, simply look around any highschool hallways and find the saddest looking student with the biggest eye bags and most stress lines. Once you locate this untamed beast, approach with caution as they are easily startled by confrontation. To make acquaintances with the feral student simply hand them one of two things: a caffeinated beverage or any snack. If these steps are followed exactly you have now made a connection with the disgruntled mess.
There is only one piece of advice needed for underclassmen: do all your work early starting from kindergarten and by the time you get to the anxiety-ridden year you will be able to graduate before even thinking about the junior jinx.