The musical “Wicked” has captured the attention of audiences worldwide since its Broadway debut in 2003. Inspired by the story written by Gregory Maguire, “Wicked” offers a unique prequel to L. Frank Baum’s “The Wizard of Oz.” “Wicked” provides the fresh perspectives of the characters less concentrated on in the original “The Wizard of Oz”, specifically the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch. However this year, the movie adaptation was released starring the famous actresses Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande, portraying the characters Elphaba and Glinda. The new conversion has drawn in fans old and new. With its captivating storyline, renowned songs and memorable characters, the film brought the magic of Oz to the big screen in a new way.
The plot of “Wicked” follows the green-skinned and discriminated against Elphaba. Both the movie and the play follow her villain-origin journey from being an outcast to becoming the Wicked Witch of the West. The story also follows the original, tense interactions between Elphaba and Glinda, which evolves into their close friendship. The story delved into themes such as the pursuit of identity and acceptance, the impact of society’s judgments, and being inherently good or evil. Finding her true self through her horrible experiences and interactions with the people of Oz gives the audience an interesting perspective to consider.
John Powell and Stephen Schwartz’s musical soundtrack is a standout feature of “Wicked,” including songs such as “Defying Gravity,” “Popular,” and “For Good” correlated with the show. These songs advance the plot and resonate deeply with audiences. The lyrics and tunes are crafted to highlight the characters’ inner conflicts and growth, making the music an essential part of the storytelling. As for those who are not typical musical attendees, they may find themselves surprised at how often the snippets of songs are found on TikTok.
The production of “Wicked” is another aspect that has received widespread praise. The set design is elaborate, featuring grand elements that transport the audience to the magical land of Oz. The visual effects and filming enhanced the fantastical world of Oz, creating a visually stunning experience for audiences. Special effects, such as the iconic scene where Elphaba defies gravity, add to the spectacle, creating memorable visual moments that enhance the overall experience. While most of the acting was done in front of a green screen, the set was not CGI and was constructed, including the impressive 16-ton Emerald City Express.
In conclusion, “Wicked” stands out as a significant work in modern musical theater, but the 2024 movie adaptation enchants longtime fans and a whole new audience on the silver screen.