To begin the most magical baking show in the muggle world, eighteen contestants who have never before met are divided into pairs to tackle the challenge of a lifetime.
Each pair of contestants has a designated amount of time to design and create a magical “Harry Potter” themed dessert with delicious tasting elements. Baking is already a whisk-y business, but with the added requirement that their creation must meet or exceed the required height and magical elements, these contestants are under fantastic pressure to bake it or die trying.
Fans of the “Harry Potter” books and movie series will be thrilled to learn that the co-hosts of the baking show are none other than the Weasley twins themselves, Fred and George– or to be more accurate, the actors and twin brothers Oliver and James Phelps. If that’s not exciting enough, several more former “Harry Potter” stars will feature in guest appearances on the show. I won’t spoil who, but it’s fair to say that as soon as they appear on screen, fans will recognize them faster than you can say Quidditch!
Without going into too much detail, in consideration for those who haven’t yet had the pleasure to see them, one of my personal favorite creations of the show starred a truly mystical and edible rendition of a Patronus– a “Harry Potter” spell that creates a silver and blue animal which represents happiness. This pair of bakers went above and beyond with their creation of a hyperrealistic stallion-head Patronus floating on a lake complete with edible lilypad flowers. Best of all– it’s wreathed in chocolate!
When I first heard about the show, I imagined trying to recreate one of the mystical desserts at home, perhaps one of the less impressive creations. The intricate creations of the show may be a challenge for viewers at home like myself, though– these bakers aren’t muffin around! I was very quickly proved inadequate to the task as every single masterpiece from this show was incredibly impressive and quite literally magical.
Most people will never have the chance to see and taste these magnificent, priceless culinary creations in person, but the “Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking” show and its more affordable, less intimidating companion cookbook recipes can bring magic into any home, even if the aspiring baker isn’t rolling in dough.
Bake the world a better, sweeter place.