Everyone has their go-to Starbucks order to treat themselves from time to time. However, since Starbucks has recently discontinued some drinks like frappuccinos, mochas, and lattes, they are losing their diversity of customers.
One solution to this would be to increase the popularity of another drink chain: Dutch Bros. Dutch Bros is a drink chain mainly located in the western part of the United States. With this being said, the closest one is about 250 miles away in O’Fallon, Missouri. Having a Dutch Bros near us in the city or in the larger suburbs such as Naperville or Plainfield would be very beneficial.
Dutch Bros offers coffees, teas, lemonades, red bull energy drink mixes, smoothies, sparkling sodas, and even hot cocoa. The best part about all of these is that they can each be customized significantly, allowing people to get a new drink everyday. With the coffees, one can choose between protein, blended, or classic ones. They also have lots of flavor options including vanilla, caramels and creams so that way your coffee can taste exactly how you like it!
Similarly, their teas, lemonades, and energy drinks come with all sorts of different flavor add-ins ranging from strawberry and lime, to passion fruit and pomegranate. With all of these customization options, it ensures that everyone can find a drink that they love!
Along with the customization options, the best part is that their drinks are significantly cheaper than Starbucks. A 20 oz Starbucks drink is typically between $7-10, while a 20 oz Dutch Bros drink ranges from $4-6. Since a majority of loyal Starbucks drinkers go everyday, switching could save them lots of money.
Even with this exciting new option, this doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be Starbucks. It just means that a new, cheaper coffee place with unique, customizable drinks such as Dutch Bros could be the perfect addition to a nearby suburb.