The Fifteenth Prime Minister Of Great Britain

Written by Abigail Worker, A & E editor

For the seventy years Queen Elizabeth the II has reigned over Great Britain, during which she has seen fourteen Prime Ministers come and go. On September 6th, the Queen appointed her fifteenth and final prime minister. This would be one of the Queen’s last major constitutional actions during her reign of the crown. 

The Queen’s first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill, who was in power when she was first appointed the crown back in 1952. Her newest Prime Minister, Liz Truss, was just elected before the Queen’s passing on September 8th, 2022. Only two days after appointing her fifteenth Prime Minister, she peacefully passed away in her home, Balmoral Castle, with her family and close ones at the age of 96. 

Initially Queen Elizabeth the II met with her prior Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who resigned back in July following the revolt from his party members. In accordance with her constitutional role of the crown she must appoint a new Prime Minister. Even though the Queen is not allowed a vote in any elections and has to remain politically neutral, she has still maintained her role within the government which for the most part is ceremonial.

Liz Truss became the newest Prime Minister after being Conservative Party Leader in which approximately 200,000 Conservative members voted. Truss beat Rishi Sunak in the leadership race for 10th place. Ms. Truss will now be the third female Prime Minister following Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May. According to writer Rebecca Sayce, Metro newspaper, Truss won by a whopping 20,927 votes. She received 57.4% of the vote, meaning that of the four Conservative Party members she received less than 60% of the vote.

During this time of sadness, everything in Britain has been put on pause to grieve and remember their great Queen Elizabeth the II.