Written by Ava Lamb, Sports Editor

Here at Lockport East Campus, we are provided with a wonderful place to learn and are given various different opportunities. When one becomes a sophomore, they get new perks such as the L-Town Grounds coffee shop, a bigger Porter Pride store and a newly introduced salad bar in the cafeteria. In recent years, LTHS has added a new science wing that brings the school into the modern era. But does the modern era mean no bathrooms? Students are forced to walk the length of 30 classrooms just to find the nearest bathroom. Yet, if they wait for the passing periods the lines are wrapped around the corner. Are we now subjected to taking time out of class just to use the restroom, and choose between our bodily functions and our education? The hope of the students is that administrators and the school board will prioritize our needs and take action sooner rather than later. Lockport’s legacy is that together we succeed but with a lack of communication and understanding between the two parties there is not much success on the student or administration’s part.