Spirit Week 2021… Was it a Hit?

Written by Raven Rogers, Editorial Writer

The Homecoming Dance is full of euphoria and cheer with loud music and fun games, but one thing that makes Homecoming one to remember is Spirit Week. Every year during the week before the dance, everyone dresses up to show their school spirit. Over at Central, here’s how each of the themes played out. 

On Monday everyone wore Tie Dye. In true Monday fashion, most of our brains were still in weekend mode, so it wasn’t the most popular, but there were definitely participants. It was a good way to settle into the week.

Then, on Tuesday, Freshman wore neon, Sophomores wore camo, Juniors wore black, and Seniors wore white. For the Freshman, this was one of the most popular days. With the help of the school already selling neon shirts,  the whole school was in bright colors. 

On Wednesday, it was the battle of Country vs Country Club. Sorry Country Club, but Country was WAY more popular based on all of the cowboy hats and plaid roaming the halls that day. Better luck next year Polo shirts and fancy skirts.

For Thursday, it was Class Color wear. Unclear how the Freshman ended up with green in this situation but it screams low man on the totem pole. And yet, the halls were flooded with green that day making it hands-down the most popular spirit day of the week.

On Friday, like every other one, we wore Porter Wear. Even if this is already done on the regular, Porter Wear did not shy away on Friday. Half of the Freshman showed their spirit by wearing face paint, and pretty much everyone was decked out in maroon as a warm-up for the pink out at the Homecoming Game. 

Dressing up wasn’t the only way Porters expressed their school spirit this week.  The assemblies did not disappoint. Loud, competitive assemblies – pitting one class against another on the football field, where students had the opportunity to sign up to play games in front of the whole student body. The Freshman…not so great, but we took notes so we’re coming for you next year!

So was Spirit Week a hit? Of course it was! As a Freshman, it was a great introduction to my next four years of high school.