As of the first day of school, Lockport has started scanning students into the building as well as normally scanning into people’s individual classes. But why? How? Well first of all, when you walk into the building (with your student ID of course), a dean will be holding a scanner connected to the attendance website to check you in! I believe they did this for our student body safety. Think about it! You wouldn’t want non-students entering the building would you? No! This ensures only students are entering, and promotes more safety for our school! So, do you feel safer?
Do You Scan?
Written by Ava Lamb, News Editor
September 18, 2023
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Ava Lamb, Managing Editor/Social Media Specialist
Ava is a senior at Lockport, and this is her third year in Porter Press. She is the Social Media Manager and also likes to write for the sports section. Ava is involved in Student Government and is trying Orchesis this year. Outside of school, Ava loves hanging with her friends, running a middle school youth group and reading.