Illumination, known for past Despicable Me movies and other hit movies such as The Lorax and Sing, is currently working on the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Despicable Me franchise. The recent installment was produced by Illumination’s co-founders Chris Meledandri and Brett Hoffman, co-directed by Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage, and the writer Mike White. It is promised that they will bring back past lovable characters such as Gru and the minions, while also introducing new characters like baby Gru and the villain Maxime Le Mal. The voice acting cast will include many similar faces such as Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig while also bringing new faces like Will Ferrell who will be voicing Maxime Le Mal. Illumination plans to release this movie in theaters and on both Netflix and Peacock by July 3rd, 2024.
The movie will follow Gru and his family, wife Lucy (Kristen Wiig), and new son Gru Jr, as they enjoy their new peaceful life. Their peace is eventually thrown out the window when the villain Maxime Le Mal breaks out and unleashes chaos upon the town. See this new exciting movie in theaters on July 3rd, 2024!