It has come to our attention that our East building bathrooms have been absolutely mistreated this school year. There is trash, water, and markings all over the bathroom. Students claim to want new and improved bathrooms but don’t even treat the ones we have with respect. Vandalism is a crime even when it takes place in a school bathroom. The picture above shows someone who sharpied stars all over the bathroom stall door. This is our school, we should not be mistreating it. Please help out LTHS and be a super porter by making sure the bathrooms are left clean and not vandalized.
Vandalism at LTHS
Written by Ava Lamb, News Editor
October 30, 2023
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Ava Lamb, Managing Editor/Social Media Specialist
Ava is a senior at Lockport, and this is her third year in Porter Press. She is the Social Media Manager and also likes to write for the sports section. Ava is involved in Student Government and is trying Orchesis this year. Outside of school, Ava loves hanging with her friends, running a middle school youth group and reading.