During spring break, LTHS took 21 students on a service trip to the Dominican Republic over spring break. Over the course of eight days, the students were able to spend countless hours working with local people in five different cities. The two main projects were based with local schools and each took two days. The first project partnered with an environmental school whose goal is to replant destructed areas in the community, and educate the students about how to instill the schools values in their homes and towns. Porters helped sift dirt, plant seedlings, and fill greenhouse bags with dirt. The second project was with an after school club geared towards boys named InspireDR. The non-profit’s goal is to teach boys ages 10-19 how to be successful men and eventually, husbands. Porters got to connect with most of the boys, and were put onto teams in order to make a recycled bottle rocket which was put to the test in a contest. Bonding with the boys was a very special experience for all of the members on the trip and for anyone considering going on future service trips, it is highly recommended. As someone who was a part of the trip, I can speak for all of us on the trip that we left way more fulfilled than we started.
Super Spring Service for Porters
Written by Abigail Carroll, Features Editor
April 17, 2024