On Monday, 13 seniors and their automotive teacher at Lockport Township High School got interviewed by Fox 32 News to congratulate them on their ASE certification. Mark de la Vega has been teaching the automotive class for 21 years and loves teaching his students all the skills they need to know to succeed in the industry. This year he decided to test all thirteen seniors to get their Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification. This certification allows them to work in a professional setting on cars in any shop and opens many doors for seniors wanting to go to college or into the workforce. Mr. De la Vega runs a one-of-a-kind program for students interested in automotives with multiple levels and new things to learn. His first class students can take is Intro to Autos which includes working on smaller engines and basics to working on automotives. VOC 1 (Vocational) is where students can learn about cars, light repairs, and normal maintenance. This can include: oil changes, brakes, timing belts, and how to learn how to disassemble a full scale car engine. The next course is VOC 2 which is purely a shop setting where every day students get a new car to work on and learn from; this can be things such as suspension and engine diagnosis. Through all of these classes and preparation, Mr. De La Vega felt like this year he could do something a little different, which was to test all 13 seniors in VOC 2 for their ASE certification. This accomplishment interested FOX 32, who asked what the classes are like, what it involves, and how they are taught. Alec Deyoung, one of the seniors, talked about how cool the interview was and how the Auto department works, plus how much he appreciates it. He mentioned that his favorite part is,”hanging out with all of my peers in class and making Mr. De la Vega’s life easier and fun!”
Fox 32 Interviews LTHS’ Auto Class
Written by Ava Lamb, News Writer
April 26, 2024

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Ava Lamb, Managing Editor/Social Media Specialist
Ava is a senior at Lockport, and this is her third year in Porter Press. She is the Social Media Manager and also likes to write for the sports section. Ava is involved in Student Government and is trying Orchesis this year. Outside of school, Ava loves hanging with her friends, running a middle school youth group and reading.