Stacy Sparlin is a physical education teacher at Central Campus who also is educated in astrology. She chose to get her certification through the National Council for Geocosmic Research, which requires passing four levels of exams, each involving a challenging test with a lot of math. Currently, she is at the second level.
After interviewing Sparlin, we found that her interest in astrology began in third grade during a Girl Scout field trip to Salem, Massachusetts, where she received her first deck of Tarot cards. Sparlin finds that her astrology education helps explain why certain things happen. For instance, she once predicted that an acquaintance who frequently posted negative content was a Jupiter in Capricorn, which turned out to be correct.
At Lockport, most teachers are aware of her certification, as she shared her progress while studying for the first level. Sparlin advises that, “The more you know, the better you understand how things work.” She also has a poster in her office that reads, “Shoot for the stars and if you miss you’ll land on the moon.” Stacy Sparlin is a prime example of how teachers are people with dreams, just like everyone else.